Compilation review: Novgorod Episcopal schools: Compilation of documents: 2 volumes. Volume 1: 1706–1727. Comp. by N.V. Salonikov, K.V. Sutorius (State Archive of the Novgorod Region, Veliky Novgorod, 2022. 788 p.)


  • D. B. Tereshkina Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University; The Novgorod branch Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) under the President of the Russian Federation, Veliky Novgorod, Russia



Veliky Novgorod, Episcopal schools, teachers, students, minors, orphans, foundlings, education, upbringing, enlightenment


The article is a review of the recently published first volume of the compilation of documents related to the activities of the Novgorod Episcopal schools. The published materials date from 1706 to 1727 and are arranged in the collection not only chronologically, but also thematically. The completeness of the submitted materials can be considered exhaustive, since the compilers of the collection took into account all possible sources for those situations and personalities that are mentioned in any of the published documents (including those related to the time that is not formally included in the period declared by the compilers of the collection) from various archives of Russia in which documents have been preserved more or less about the history of the Novgorod Episcopal schools. Of independent value are the indexes to the compilation — nominal and geographical, as well as tables reproduced with extreme accuracy (academic records, report cards, registers of students, etc.). The compilation is provided with illustrations reflecting the appearance of some of the most revealing sheets of the manuscripts. Reproduced with maximum accuracy and completeness, the documents and the reference apparatus for them become an important historical source both for specialists and for a wide range of readers who will be able to find many interesting stories in the publication.


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Author Biography

D. B. Tereshkina, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University; The Novgorod branch Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) under the President of the Russian Federation, Veliky Novgorod, Russia

Doctor of Philology, Docent, Professor



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##article.numberofviews## 119



How to Cite

Tereshkina, D. B. (2023). Compilation review: Novgorod Episcopal schools: Compilation of documents: 2 volumes. Volume 1: 1706–1727. Comp. by N.V. Salonikov, K.V. Sutorius (State Archive of the Novgorod Region, Veliky Novgorod, 2022. 788 p.) . Caurus, 2(1), 149–156.


