Publication ethics
The Editorial Board of the online scientific periodical "Caurus" strictly adheres to the standards of publication ethics recommended by international organizations and makes every effort to prevent their possible violations, based on the following provisions:
- Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors
- Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers
- Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing
- COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers
- Retraction Guidelines
- International Standards for Editors and Authors
- EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be Published in English
Compliance with ethical norms and rules is mandatory for all participants in the process of publishing scientific materials, namely, authors, reviewers, members of the Editorial Board, editors, and employees of the publishing office.
Publication ethics is understood as a set of basic principles of professional activity for the selection, publication, presentation, and dissemination of scientific materials.
One of the fundamental principles of the editorial office of the online scientific periodical "Caurus" is equal treatment of all authors who provide their scientific research or other materials for possible publication. The material received by the Editorial Board, prepared in accordance with the manuscript design requirements, is sent for review after mandatory verification for the presence of borrowings. The Editorial Board accepts the material for publication after a positive conclusion of both reviewers. If necessary, after the first review, a radically corrected article can be sent for re-review. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the submitted manuscript in case of its inconsistency with the topics of the scientific periodical, poor scientific quality, violation of manuscript design requirements or on the basis of a reasoned negative review by at least one reviewer.
The author is responsible for the originality and reliability of the submitted materials. The information given in the text must be confirmed by verifiable references to specific historical sources and literature. By submitting a scientific manuscript, the author guarantees that the material is not under consideration in other scientific periodicals, has not been previously published in one way or another, and also confirms that all possible conflicts of interest related to copyrights, difficulties in using sources (when they are published in the corresponding section of the online scientific periodical) have been resolved.
The Editorial Board and reviewers involved evaluate the content of manuscripts submitted for publication, regardless of race, nationality, gender, religion, political views of the authors, as well as their personal relationships with the participants of the publication process. The submitted manuscript is treated as a confidential document. The Editorial Board does not provide information about the content of the manuscript under consideration and its status to anyone other than the authors and reviewers, and also guarantees the anonymity of the review. When working with manuscripts submitted for publication, the Editorial Board adheres to the principles of objectivity and openness. The Editorial Board is prohibited from demonstrating a biased attitude towards authors, as well as from abusing their position in the course of publishing activities.
The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the quality of design and the high scientific level of published materials, controls the review process, makes thoughtful and motivated decisions on controversial issues, and to the extent possible resolves conflict situations.
The Executive Editor is responsible for organizing communication with authors and reviewers, timely informing the authors about the progress of their manuscripts, for other work related to the development strategy and presentation forms of the scientific periodical, as well as for the quality of preparation for publication of each issue.