Submission of materials
Manuscripts of scientific works are sent by the authors in electronic form to the editorial address of the journal The publication of the submitted materials is free of charge. No fees or other payments to authors for publication in the journal are expected.
The materials submitted to the editorial office must correspond to the subject of the journal, as well as the mandatory requirements for the design of manuscripts. Works that have been previously published or are under consideration in other journals or publishing houses are not accepted for consideration. In case of co-authorship, the consent of all authors to the publication of the submitted materials is required. The submitted manuscript must be an original work. If borrowings are detected when checking materials for plagiarism, the manuscript will be rejected without the right to resubmit it for consideration by the editors. In addition, the editors recommend that authors avoid excessive self-citation.
The manuscript should contain the text of the study itself, annotation and keywords in Russian and English, information about the author, a bibliographic list in a certain way. In case of submission of materials in a foreign language, an annotation, keywords and information about the author in Russian is required. Illustrations or other graphic materials must be provided in separate files in the established formats (*tiff, *eps, *png, *jpg, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi). Be sure to have the correct names of the attached materials. In the case of publication of archival sources, the editors have the right to request permission from the management of the archive.
The editors do not intend to discuss the content of the submitted manuscripts with the authors, as well as discuss the reviews of reviewers. In addition, the editors are not engaged in bringing articles to the required scientific and methodological, design, grammatical and stylistic level.