Rules for the preparation of manuscripts

1. Fully completed, original, previously unpublished scientific articles that correspond to the subject of the journal can be offered for publication in the “Caurus” journal.

2. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the facts, used quotations and proper names, and also guarantee the right to publish archival, illustrative and other materials.

3. Articles that do not correspond to the subject of the journal or that do not meet the requirements of the editorial board are not accepted for consideration.

4. The recommended length of the article is one printed sheet (40,000 characters, including spaces, footnotes and metadata for the article).

5. Articles are submitted for consideration in electronic form, subject to the following requirements: a document in Word 1997–2003 format, Times New Roman font, body text – justified alignment, 14 point size, one and a half spacing, paragraph indentation 1.25; paginated footnotes, solid numbering, Times New Roman font, justified alignment, 12 pt, single spacing, no indents or ledges. If the article uses other fonts, tables, figures, then one must attach a pdf file, where all materials are presented in the correct form.

6. When submitting a manuscript to the journal, authors must make sure that all citations are correct, sources for tables and figures are indicated (unless otherwise indicated, tables and figures are assumed to be created by the author), and all necessary permissions to reproduce materials are obtained.

7. The title page of the article should contain: Full name of the author; the official name of the organization without abbreviations; city and country; detailed information about the author – degree, title, position, as well as additional information that the author deems necessary; e-mail; author's phone number for quick communication (in the case of a group of authors, the phone number of one contact author should be provided); annotation, which should not contain undeciphered abbreviations and terms introduced for the first time; keywords.

8. Formatting the text of the manuscript:

For a scientific article, it is necessary to have a clear structure that allows one to highlight the introductory part (introduction, problem statement), discussion of the problem posed (historiographic essay, description of sources involved in the study, methods, discussion, results) and conclusion (recommendations and conclusions).

The article can be structured into sections.

When dividing an article into paragraphs, their thematic headings are highlighted in bold.

Underlining inside text is prohibited. Bold font is used for subheadings, the necessary fragments within the text are italicized.

All abbreviations used must be spelled out on first use, including commonly known abbreviations. If there are many abbreviations, it is allowed to make an additional list with a decoding of each of them after the main text of the article.

Foreign names (of magazines, organizations, etc.) in the text of the article must be presented in the original, if the name is Cyrillic, they should be enclosed in quotation marks.

All tables and figures should be numbered and named, in addition, they should be specifically indicated in the text of the article. It is forbidden to use empty columns in tables.

The quality of the provided drawings, as well as other images, must be high. Figures are attached to the article in separate files in the established formats (*tiff, *eps, *png, *jpg, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi). 

9. Footnotes:

The footnote in the text is placed before the punctuation mark.

The footnote mark is made only automatically (menu Links–Insert footnote).

The text of the footnote may contain the author's comment, citation, reference to the source used or reference to the literature used.

If a reference is made to a printed edition, information about the printed edition is given, but no reference is made to electronic resources. Additionally, information can be given about the page on the website of the journal or publisher where the original is placed.

Links to articles accepted for publication but not yet published are not allowed.

References to abstracts of scientific conferences are not allowed, except for those that were published in the collections of conference materials indexed in the scientometric systems WoS, Scopus, RSCI.

Auto-plagiarism and excessive self-quoting and references should be avoided. No more than two references to other works of the author are allowed. If there are more references to the author's own works, the editorial board has the right to request clarification regarding the novelty and relevance of the material submitted for consideration by the editorial board.

10. Formatting links:

Link format:  Surname and name of the author (authors).  Title.  Imprint (place, year of publication).  The number of the page being used.

The name of the author is in italics.

An en dash (not a hyphen) is used to indicate the space between page numbers.  Example: Pp. 23–37. 

In the case when several works of one author are indicated in one footnote, their surname is indicated once, and the works are listed in chronological order as follows:

Иванов И. И. Балтийская торговля в Средневековье и Новое время. СПб, 2010. С. 136; он же. Торговля Новгорода с городами Швеции // Вопросы медиевистики. 2012. № 3. С. 48.

At the first reference to the work, its full data are given, at the second and subsequent ones – only abbreviated ones.  Example:

1 Иванов И. И. Балтийская торговля в Средневековье и Новое время. СПб, 2010. С. 136.

7 Иванов И. И. Балтийская торговля… С. 394.

Examples of references formatting:

To the monograph:  Иванов И. И. Балтийская торговля в Средневековье и Новое время. СПб, 2010. С. 136.

To an article in a journal: Иванов И. И. Торговля Новгорода с городами Швеции // Вопросы медиевистики. 2012. № 3. С. 48.

To an article in the collection:  Иванов И. И. Французская торговля времен правления Людовика XIV // Французский абсолютизм: истоки, специфика, итоги / Под ред. А. А. Александрова. М., 1997. С. 69. (Indication of the editor or compiler of the collection is not a mandatory requirement, but it is desirable). A link to a published source can be made in two ways (if the documents in the publication are numbered, the document number should be indicated):


Письмо Фридриха II Маргарите Пармской, 26 апреля 1567 года // Акты и письма к истории Балтийского вопроса. Том. 1. СПб, 1889. № 34.

It is permissible to indicate one or another collection in an abbreviated version, while indicating a specific abbreviation in the case of the first reference.  Example:

Грамота Новгорода Риге с требованием возврата награбленного товара и выдачи разбойников, 1303–1307 годы // Грамоты Великого Новгорода и Пскова (далее – ГВНП). М., 1949. № 36.

And with the following indication of the mentioned collection, a similar reference is acceptable:

Договорная грамота Новгорода с Ливонским орденом о союзе, 28 января 1323 года (ГВНП. № 37).

When specifying the document number in the publication, it is not necessary to specify the pages. 

When referring to an archival source, complete information about it should be indicated (archive name, fund number, collection name, case number, specific sheet and, if necessary, its side).  Example:

Письмо магистрата Нарвы к городскому совету Ревеля, 22 апреля 1491 года (Tallinna Linnaarhiiv (TLA), f. 230, BD 8 II, fol. 53).

When referring again to the specified archival collection, the following formatting is acceptable:

Письмо магистрата Нарвы к городскому совету Ревеля, 19 мая 1491 года (TLA, 230, BD 8 II, fol. 54).

The link to the publication on the Internet is formatted as follows:  Иванов И. И. Торговые войны на Балтике в XV веке [Электронный ресурс]. URL: полная ссылка на сайт (дата обращения: 7 ноября 2020 года).

11. At the end of the article, the necessary "Information about the article" should be indicated, which will be processed and placed in scientometric databases. It should include:

Link to the source of funding, including the number and full name of the project (if necessary). 

BBK and UDC indices, which are indicated according to the generally accepted classification.

Information about the author: last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree, place of work (it is desirable to indicate the address and postal code of the organization), city, country, author's identifier in the international ORCID databases (if one has a Researcher ID, Scopus ID, RSCI SPIN code), author's email address.

The title of the article, which should be short, concise and accurately reflects the content of the study.

Summary (abstract) of the article in Russian. The recommended length is 200–300 words. The abstract should reflect the content of the proposed article; undeciphered abbreviations, newly introduced terms, and common phrases should be avoided.

Key words (5–7 words) are given separated by commas.

Literature used in the article. It is necessary to provide a complete list of all scientific works and attracted sources, which are referenced in the article. The bibliographic list is not numbered.

12. Literature used in the article:

The list of references includes only peer-reviewed studies (articles from scientific journals, monographs, etc.).

All references included in the bibliographic list should be indicated in the text of the article.

The bibliographic list does not include information about archival documents, articles in socio-political newspapers, texts on websites and blogs, and the like. Information about these sources should be placed in footnotes.

Links to articles accepted for publication but not yet published are not allowed.

Citation of textbooks, manuals, reference books, dictionaries, abstracts of conferences and abstracts of reports, as well as small circulation publications should be determined by the purpose and objectives of a particular study, otherwise such references are prohibited.

Scientific articles published after 2016 should be cited in accordance with the variant proposed in the original article and accompanied by a DOI identifier (if available). To verify this information, one must refer to the text of the article or the journal's website.

References in lists of literature in Latin (References) should be readable by English-speaking users so that the quoted primary sources can be used by them. Therefore, it is important to use the English-language data from the original article (name of the authors, the English-language title of the article); if there is no English-language metadata in the cited articles, it is necessary to translate the title of the article into English (by paraphrase); transliterate authors' names; Russian-language titles of journals must be transliterated (with the exception of journals that recommend for citation and use a parallel English title in the journal (and in scientometric databases).

The description of each edition is given as follows: Surname, name (for Russian authors, first name and patronymic). Completely and in italics.

 This is followed by the title of the work and imprint (place of publication in full and without abbreviations, after the colon, publisher or printing house, year of publication. At the end, after the dot, the total number of pages or page numbers on which the article is printed is indicated.

Example of the references list

Александров, Александр Александрович. Средневековая история Франции. Москва: Наука, 1994. 379 с.

Васильев, Василий Васильевич. К истории становления исландской национальной культуры // История Европы: вчера и сегодня. Санкт-Петербург: Издательский дом Макса Шмидта, 2008. № 4 (36). С. 42–56.

Кириллова, Ольга Владимировна. Как оформить статью и научный журнал в целом для корректного индексирования в международных наукометрических базах данных // Научный редактор и издатель. 2018. № 3. С. 52–72. DOI: 10.24069/2542-0267-2018-1-2-52-72.

Carter, Randolf. The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. Boston: Brill, 2018. 156 p.

Junzt, Friedrich Wilhelm von. Unaussprechlichen Kulten. Düsseldorf: Verlag von R. Hoffart, 1839. 420 s.

13. After the “Information about the article” in Russian, the same information is placed, but translated into English.

Link to a grant or other source of funding in English.

The ББК and УДК indeces do not need to be indicated in this section.

Information about the author in English is required.

Translation of the title of the work.

The summary of the article in English may be a translation of the Russian version, or its extended version, or it may be the original text, clearly and concisely reflecting the content of the study.  Volume: 200–300 words. 

Key words in English (5–7 words separated by commas).

References (list of used literature).  When compiling a bibliographic list in English, the titles of all works involved in the study are given in alphabetical order without numbering.  Cyrillic names are transliterated into Latin and are accompanied by a translation of the name into English (the translation is given in square brackets).  For transliteration, we recommend using the BGN standard on the website, see:

The main title is italicized – the source, not the author.  If the bibliographic description includes letter designations of output data (volume, number, pages), then regardless of the language of the source, they should be represented by abbreviations of English words (Vol., No., No., Pp.).

The names of scientific journals and publishing houses must correspond to the variant of the name accepted and used by the journal and publishing house.

“Publ.” is added to the publishing area.

At the end of the description, in brackets, the language of the work is indicated — (in Russian), (in German), (in Italian).

If the cited article has a DOI, it must be indicated at the end of the description.

The rules for formatting References apply to sources in any language: articles in Ukrainian, Bulgarian, and other Cyrillic languages should be formatted in the same way as Russian-language ones.

When describing a part of a publication (article or chapter) in the transliterated version, two slashes (/ sign) are replaced by “in”.


Bantysh-Kamenskiy, Nikolay Nikolayevich. Reestry grecheskim delam Moskovskogo arhiva Kollegii inostrannyh del [The Greek affairs registers of the Moscow archive of Ministry of Foreign Affairs]. Moscow: Hronograf Publ., 2001. 416 p. (in Russian).

Kirillova, Olga Vladimirovna. Kak oformit’ statyu i nauchnyy zhurnal v tselom dlya korrektnogo indeksirovaniya v mezhdunarodnykh naukometricheskikh bazakh dannykh [How to arrange an article and scientific journal to avoid indexing errors in international scientometric databases], in Nauchnyi Redaktor i Izdatel’ = Science Editor and Publisher. 2018. № 3. Pp. 52–72. (in Russian). DOI: 10.24069/2542-0267-2018-1-2-52-72.

Lobin, Aleksey Nikolayevich. Poslaniya Vasiliya III velikomu magistru Al’brekhtu 1515 g. [Message of Basil III to the Grand Master Albrecht of 1515], in Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana. 2012. Vol. 1. Pp. 141–152. (in Russian).

Levochkin, Ivan Vasilyevich. Osnovy russkoy paleografii [Bases of Russian paleography]. Moscow: Krug Publ., 2003. 175 р. (in Russian).

Žagar, Mateo; Paskojević, Kristian. Ćiriličke isprave Dubrovačke kancelarije XV. stoljeća između minuskule i kurziva [Cyrillic documents of Dubrovnik chancery of fifteenth century between minuscule and cursive], in Filologija. Zagreb. 2014. No 62. Pp. 221–247. (in Croatian).