About the Journal

Caurus is a peer-reviewed open-access online scientific periodical that presents currently topical publications on Russian and foreign achievements in the field of studying the historical past of the Russian North-West and the states of the Baltic region. Chronologically, the research is limited to a thousand-year period from the 8th to the 18th century, when the foundation of the modern model of Russian-West European relations was laid. The focus of the periodical concept is the idea of the Baltic region as a zone of stable diverse contacts including economic, political, socio-cultural, intellectual ones, thanks to which, within the designated area, the mechanism of co-adaptation of Russian (Orthodox) and Western (Catholic, from the 16th century also Protestant) cultural-historical "worlds" took shape and functioned productively.

The online scientific periodical "Caurus" was founded in 2021 by Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University. The certificate of registration is EL No. FS 77-83172 dated April 26, 2022, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media.

Publication frequency – 2 issues per year.

Scientific materials are accepted for publication in the journal in the following scientific specialties in relation to the general problems of relations between the Russian North-West and the countries of the Baltic region:

  • 07.00.02 – Russian history;
  • 07.00.03 – World history;
  • 07.00.06 – Archeology;
  • 07.00.07 – Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology;
  • 07.00.09 – Historiography, source studies and methods of historical research;
  • 07.00.15 – History of international relations and foreign policy;
  • 24.00.01 – Theory and history of culture

The proposed list is not final and may be expanded.

The journal accepts scientific articles, translations of sources, reports on scientific events, historiographic and bibliographic reviews, reviews.

The languages of the journal are Russian, English, German.

All submitted materials undergo a double-blind (anonymous) review procedure.

All published articles are assigned DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers), which greatly facilitates the search for scientific literature for further citation and localization of scientific publications.

The online scientific periodical "Caurus" is registered in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and provides information on published articles to this system within three months from the issue date.

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 4 (2024): Caurus
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